Why Lockdown Is Not Reducing COVID-19 Cases


Keyword: Lockdown

Title: Why Lockdown Is Not Reducing COVID-19 Cases

Corona virus may be a deadly virus that has shaken the pillars of the planet and remains considerably active throughout. it's already spread steadily in countries just like the US, Spain, France, Italy, and lots more. Now it's begun to affect India, the country with the second largest population in the world. it had been feared that if the effect of Corona virus is analogous thereto of the opposite countries, then 20% of India's total population will lose their lives. India's population is 1.3 billion, and 40% of 1.3 billion is about 25 million, so considering 55 million people dead thanks to an epidemic. It could have destroyed the whole country.

Fortunately, the effect of Corona virus has not been that deadly in India. Until this day, Many people are suffering from the disease, and therefore the price is 3029. The recovery rate in India is higher; among many affected people, 36824 people have already recovered and are sent home.

The type of Corona virus that has affected India is B type, which may be a weaker version and less deadly compared to the A and C type viruses. But the researchers have revealed that B-type virus has every opportunity of mutating and reworking into the A or C-type virus, which definitely are often devastating for the country. Another study has revealed that the weather in India plays a huge role in restricting the spread of this deadly Corona virus. It's known that Corona virus needs the weather to survive for a longer period, but insignificant parts of India, the climate is warm and hot. It's noticed that after the lockdown in India, the cases were increasing.

Currently, India goes through the 4th round of lockdown, and yet the cases every day are increasing. This is often of much concern, and there was news that previously, the number of tests conducted every day was very low. Hence the positive cases recorded were fewer. Now, within the past three weeks, the amount of tests every day has increased, which is why the number of cases recorded every day is more. We will say that more tests reveal more cases record; tests are the sole way the country can understand its actual position during this pandemic situation.

Between the lockdowns, for 2 to 3 days, liquor shops were opened, and an enormous number of individuals visited these shops. It's becoming tough to tackle this Corona virus. On 17th May, a couple of hours after the fourth round of lockdown was declared, it was found that there was a spike of 5567 cases in 24 hours, which is the highest recorded spike so far.

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